Your Native Village

 The name of our village is Radhanagar Bharat-Pathik Raja Rammohan Roy was born. It is a small quietvillage by the side of the. river Dwrakeswar in the district of Hooghly. It is about a mile long and half a mile broad. A metalled road runs by the side of it and buses and lorries ply on the road. There are large green cornfields around o village. The population of our village is about three thousand. Most them are farmers. There are doctors and teachers too. A daily marke is held in the morning where we get all the necessary things. We have also a primary school, a Postoffice, a B. T. college and a Degree collese in our village. But the special object of pride of our village is the Raia Rammohan Roy Memorial Hall which was designed by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore. I am very proud of being a son of such a village where the great Raja Rammohan Roy was born.


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