A Railway Station

 There is always a buzzing sound at Howrah Station. The passengers stand in a queue to collect their tickets in front of the ticket counters. The station is always crowded with passengers, hawkers and the porters. There are stalls of pedlars, book-sellers and waiting rooms in such large stations. Vendors shout their trade cries. Who has not heard the trade-cry 'chagaram' or "Thanda Pani' in the railway station? When a train reaches the station, the passengers hurry to get off the train. At the same time passengers waiting for the train want to get into the train. As a result, a collision of two groups of passengers takes place. Sometimes it requires some gymnastic skills to get into the train. Ultimately when the time of departure of a train arrives, the signal nods and the train leaves the station. The whistling sound of the departing train creates a sense of vacuum in the minds of the passengers. 


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