
Ramadan Kareem

 We welcome the month of forgiveness, the month of peace, the month of repentance, the month of quran, the month of change, the month of healing. The month we empty the stomach so we can feed the soul, We welcome this true blessing and we thank Allah for allowing us to witness it. We welcome you, oh Ramadan, be khayr for us.❤️


  Milk is a liquid food.  It is very nutritious.  Milk is an ideal food for all.  It is white in color.  It contains almost all kinds of vitamins, proteins and minerals.  We usually get milk from cows, goats and buffaloes.  Milk is an essential food for babies and patients.  It is also very essential to the weak and the old.  It is to be boiled well before drinking.  Butter, ghee, curd, cheese and sweets are made from milk.  Milk is also used in making tea and many delicious foods and cakes.  Milk gives us energy to work hard.  But we can't build up and maintain sound health without drinking milk regularly.  So milk plays a vital role in making our life happy, comfortable, decent, and long.  Therefore, we should drink pure milk regularly.


  Water is a liquid substance.  It is a combination of oxygen and hydrogen.  It is a principal element of our environment.  No living being can live without water.  So, water is called life.  It has no color, shape, smell and taste.  Water takes the color and shape of its container.  It always flows downwards.  We get water from rains, tube - wells, ponds, lakes, canals, seas, rivers and oceans The main source of water is the rain.  We bathe and wash our clothes in water.  Water is very essential for our agriculture, mills and factories.  Besides, trees and plants cannot grow without water. But impure water is very harmful to health and environment.  So we should not pollute water for our greater interest.  We should always drink safe water for our sound health.

The 21st February/The Language Martyred Day/ The International Mother Language Day

  21st February of the year is observed as the Shaheed Dibash. On this very day in 1952, many heroic souls of the soil like Salam, Jabbar, Barkat, Shafique and many others laid down their lives to establish 'Bangla' as the official language of the country. It is also observed as the Language Martyred Day or Shaheed Day. On this day, people wake up early in the morning. They put on a black badge to mark the day as a day of mourning for them. They walk to the Shaheed Minar on barefooted with flowers and wreaths in.hands. They offer flowers and wreaths on the foot of the Shaheed Minar to show love and respect to the martyred heroes. They remain standing silently for sometime. Many meetings and seminars are held. People also pray for the salvation of the souls of the martyrs throughout the country in different religious institutions. Considering the supreme sacrifice made by the martyrs, the UNESCO declared the day as The International Mother Language Day'. This day is now obs...


 "There is no royal way to learn is an appropriate proverb for the students to follow. So, a student must be hard - working, sincere and regular. First, he has to understand what he reads or his teacher says in the class. He  should not neglect at any stage of his learning time. This is why he has to make a daily routine thinking about how and when his daily activities will be performed. Then, according to his daily routine, he has to study attentively. He can make  notes by himself as well as collect from other sources and revise them. Of course, he has to keep in practice of writing more. Next, in any difficulty he can take suggestions from his classmates who are meritorious. If they fail to give him a  good suggestion, he must consult his teacher. After that, he should consult a good dictionary to improve his vocabulary. Besides, he can take benefits from other helping books which are related to their textbooks. Finally, along with his text he should read other mo...


 The day in which a man is born, is the most important day and incident in his life.  That is why a man cannot forget this day and throughout his life, he celebrates this day.  Many celebrate this day by giving a party which is known as birthday party.  Generally those who are culturally and financially solvent throw a party on this occasion.  A birthday party is generally held in the drawing room of a house.  First, the room is decorated with colored papers and birthday balloons.  Then, on a colored paper 'Happy Birthday' is written down for whom it is being celebrated.  Next, candles are lighted depending on the age of the person.  After that, the birthday cake is cut into slices.  Finally, the pieces of cake and various snacks are served at a birthday party.  Generally a birthday party is given in the afternoon in a homely atmosphere.  So, it is very enjoyable.

How to make a cup of Tea

  Tea is a very popular drink . In fact , it is very easy to make a cup of tea at home . First , you need only tea - dust , sugar and water to make raw tea . Then , mix ginger or lemon juice with the raw tea . In the making of a cup of tea , you have to boil the water first . Next , when the water boils , you have to put a certain amount of tea and sugar in it . Of course , the amount of sugar and the liquor of the tea vary from person to person . After that , add ginger or lemon juice to increase the taste of raw tea . In making of a cup of milk - tea a certain amount of milk has to be mixed with the raw tea . Milk - tea is different in taste and colour from the raw tea . Finally , the tea is served in cups . However , a cup of raw or milk - tea is very easy to prepare and it refreshes us removing our fatigue and boredom .